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4 September, 2014

We're from where you are!

There's something so comforting about dealing with the familiar. Spending time with friends you've had for years. Shopping at your local grocery store. Or revisiting your old high school. No matter what it is, there's a sense of feeling "home". One of our more ambitious business goals and a huge reason as to why this website exists is that we try to capture that secure and safe feeling and translate it to the expansive and sometimes complex world of promotional products.

Being based in Sydney, our team are all individual citizens of your city and as we're all aware, there's no better way to understand a city and its people than to be in and amongst it. We get what life looks like and can understand your business world a whole lot better because we're from where you are! Our team of Sydney-siders are ready to help you with any enquiry you may have with speed and over a decade of experience. You'll feel right at home dealing with us because we're on your time and speak your language.

So this financial year, invest your marketing budget on those you can trust. We call Sydney home, so consider making us your home of promotional products.

The Promotional Products Team